Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a brain disorder that causes symptoms of restlessness, disorganization, and a difficulty to focus. It is usually diagnosed in children and although some people grow out of it, 60% of the children diagnosed with ADHD have symptoms that persist into adulthood. If you’ve ever thought about how difficult it is for a child with ADHD to function in a normal school, think about how much more it would be for an adult to function in the working environment.
There is no known cure for ADHD. Nevertheless, there are things that you can do to help cope with the symptoms, as well as things that might make it worse. As well as things that you shouldn’t be doing, here are five foods that you should avoid if you have ADHD:
- Food Dyes. It is pretty bad for ADHD sufferers to eat anything that has anything to do with food dyes. Yes, that’s a lot of food. Anything that is artificially colored should be off your menu. According to research, these contain chemicals that can cause increased hyperactivity. Other chemicals in carbonated drinks and preservatives should be avoided too. This puts a lot of things – candy, sports drinks, sodas, and even some types of toothpaste on your NO-list.
- Sugar. You’ve probably heard of the term sugar rush. This occurs when a person ingests too much sugar and a temporary state of hyperactivity is induced. Yes, this is where we base that on. If you’re doing the math, I’m pretty sure you should know that:Hyperactive Person + Foods that Induce Hyperactivity ≠ Alleviated Symptoms
Don’t eat sugar.
- Coffee. This might be a pretty hard one to give up, especially if you’re addicted to coffee. Or at least take it regularly. With the huge popularity of coffee, so many drink them to supercharge their mornings. Unfortunately for the ADHD sufferers, the caffeine found in coffee has been known to trigger many ADHD symptoms. Don’t feel bad, though. Decaf is still okay!
- Red Meats. Red meat can cause a plethora of problems for ADHD sufferers, as it really increases the severity of your symptoms. The experts say, however, that this is not one food to completely avoid, but eating in moderation is still good. However, when possible, one should opt for the healthier protein sources such as salmon or tuna.
- Fast Food. No. Just no. If people who don’t have ADHD aren’t advised to eat fast food, you think you’ll be better off than them? The fried stuff is incredibly unhealthy and the other stuff you’re not told about that they put inside of it makes your symptoms run wild. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, and NOPE. Avoid fast food at all costs.